Wednesday, November 24, 2004

New Workplace

Yesterday was my last day at Cisco. Spent more than 3 years in a place, was a hectic time getting the official formalities completed. Never did I know that I would miss so good moments due to my decision. Nor did I know that there were so many people who liked me. Howmuch ever I try, it brings some nostalgic thoughts:

* Fighting over the carrom-board
* Arguing with Shravan. Almost everytime, both of us would feel 'I wish he understood what I was saying!'
* Having an hour long lunch gobbling almost entire lunchbox of Dheeru.
* Arguing over severity of small bugs
* Suggesting AI projects to Venky
* many more....

But this is an exploration, and I wanted this change. Let's see what's in store in my new place.

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